Title: Big Al and Shrimpy
Author: Andrew Clements
Summary: This book is the story of Big Al, a big fish, and his friend Shrimpy. The fish are friends despite their differences. When a problem arises and Big Al finds himself in trouble, Shrimpy is able to gather all of the fish together to save his friend.
Reflection: With its beautiful pictures and likeable characters, this book is a great way to bring up the subjects of differences, cooperation, and making a difference to a young class. Students see characters who are friends despite their differences, fish working together, and that even the smallest fish can make changes. The illustrations and simple words clearly depict how characters feel and seem to be an excellent starting point for a discussion on any of mentioned topics.
-The book could be read at the beginning of the year to encourage respect and cooperation in the classroom.
-The book could be read to motivate students to advocate for a change.
-If a class is doing an ocean study, this book could be tied in to motivate students to take action on a real issue occurring in the ocean.
-The book could be used to expand adjective use for students and encourage description by having students describe the characters as many ways as possible.
-Science could be investigated by having students look up different types of fish. Students also might investigate the real problems in the ocean if they are motivated by the story. Levels of
-The book could be read to motivate students to advocate for a change.
-If a class is doing an ocean study, this book could be tied in to motivate students to take action on a real issue occurring in the ocean.
-The book could be used to expand adjective use for students and encourage description by having students describe the characters as many ways as possible.
-Science could be investigated by having students look up different types of fish. Students also might investigate the real problems in the ocean if they are motivated by the story. Levels of
Social Justice Education:
I-Students learn they are part of a community.
II-Students learn to respect differences.
V-Students are motivated tomake a difference.
II-Students learn to respect differences.
V-Students are motivated tomake a difference.
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