Summary- Lily has to go to Family Fun Night at her school, but is afraid that the kids will laugh at her since her family is not big and consists only of her mom and her. However, little to her surprise when she goes she sees lots of other kids like her, and also learns that some students have stepmom's/stepdad's, were adopted, and others live with their grandparents.
Reflection- It is a great book to teach children that not every family must have a mom and a dad with their children. Students learn that every family is different and special, and where there is love there is family.
Lessons/Curriculum- Since the book does not address homosexuality, a good lesson might be to incorporate this and talk about having two mom's or dad's. Also, students can write about their families and how they are special or write poetry (like Where I'm Coming From). They could also make a collage to express what there family is all about. Teachers can do a unit on family and/or community using this book.
Social Justice Curriculum- The first three stages and the last stage is addressed. Students learn to understand and respect who they are, who others are, and ultimately, to not label all families as having to be exactly the same. Every family is unique in their own way, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Link: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Is-Family-Roma-Downey/dp/0060393742