Below is an annotated list of children's literature for the elementary classroom. It is based on work by pre-service teachers in the NYU Childhood/ Childhood Special Education Teacher Education Program. They have read and reviewed these books and provided insights into how they can be used in k-5 settings. If you have any questions or comments, please email
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Chi- Hoon
Chi- Hoon by Patricia McMahon is the photo/ diary compilation of a young girl growing up in Seoul, South Korea. This beautifully glossy portfolio follows Chi- Hoon through a week of her life, giving the reader rich insight into cultural customs and traditions. Since my students were very excited that I was going to Korea, I promised to bring back something that we could learn about as a class. This book is the perfect instructional jump- off point: The reader can select virtually anything from the book and delve into a cultural study of it.
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