For more information on Alex's amazing journey: www.alexlemonade.org (This website also has lesson plans!)
Summary: This is a true story of a girl named Alex who, at a very young age, is diagnosed with cancer. Once diagnosed, she becomes determined to help herself and others facing the same problem as she. And so, she decides to have a lemonade stand and give the money to her hospital in order that a cure might be found. Her story traveled throughout the States and her once little lemonade stand has become a Foundation for Childhood Cancer.
How I would use this in the classroom: Although this book does not directly involve the typical issues of social justice education (e.g. racism, sexism etc.), I find this book to be a great motivation for children of all ages. In reading about a very young girl taking a stand for an issue that directly affected her life and the lives of many others, students can see that they too can make a difference.
Domains of Social Justice:
- Social Movements and Social Change: Alex worked extremely hard to raise money to help children with cancer. And, it was her determination that she was able to accomplish so much at such a young age.
- Taking Social Action: Students can look at their own lives, just as Alex did, to see what specifically needs change and then plan their own "lemonade stand" initiative.
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