I like this book because I think it subtly examines social standing and class relations in a way that is comprehensible for young students and applicable to the diverse classroom. There is no overt message, so the book leaves room to explore its contents in different ways. With this book there are opportunities to discuss/learn about discrimination, stereotyping, social responsibility, etc. I believe if appropriately used, this can be an excellent tool in the classroom. Also, the illustrations are very beautiful and intricate.
This book could be used in multiple ways but it mainly could be an effective tool to study class relations. Often young children are unaware of the circumstances of others and rarely have the opportunity to address this concept and how it affects so many aspects of our lives. This book could be a great segue into a unit on developing nations or something very similar. It falls into the domains of social justice education because the book focuses on a young Guatemalan girl and her emerging consciousness of the gap between rich and poor people.
Although I enjoyed this book and believe it can be a useful tool in the classroom, after doing some research it became evident that many people don't share my sentiment. This book can be problematic and the teacher has to plan accordingly. Although the book does not directly say Rosario and her brother were stealing Margarita's tricycle, it is implied and could serve to only encourage stereotypes surrounding financially disadvantaged people. I would like to not assume this is the case in the story so I believe this book can still be used. Also when Margarita hears the prejudice remarks made regarding the people who live in "the shacks" one woman claims "They're all thieves. They should be shot." This is very strong language and means this book is obviously not for every classroom. So, on the surface this can seem like a superficial story that goes against the ideas of social justice education but I believe the knowledgeable and creative teacher can still use it and use it well in the classroom.
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I think this book is great! I agree with you in that it could be problematic, but I think if the teacher really deconstructs the text to fit her students and models the mindset they should have when reading it, the students would come away with many positive messages about the situation in the book.