Summary: This picture book is based on the true story of two male penguins, in the Central Park Zoo, trying to make a family like all the other penguin families. Roy and Silo had a very strong connetion to one another. Rather than choosing a female companion they choose each other. When they saw all the other couples taking care of eggs that would hatch, they wanted their own egg to care for. Unfortunatley, this wasn't possible and their keeper Mr. Gramzay, noticed Roy and Silo's connection and their urge for a family. He decided to bring them an egg that another couple hadn't been able to care for. Roy and Silo knew exactly what to do and after month Tango hatched. The three live still live in Central Park Zoo and people come to see the little penguin with two dads.
How I would use this in a classroom: This book could be used to teach students various units; however, the one that sticks out to me the most would be a unit on families. A teacher could use this book to introduce students that their are various ways families are formed, and what makes a family. Especially in our society it is important to teach this, because families are no longer comprised of a nuclear family, with mother, father, and 2.5 children. This book could also be used to introduce students to adoption, since Roy and Silo adopted Tango into their family. One of the activities the teacher could do with this book is write short stories from the different perspectives of the characters, Roy and Silo, Tango, Mr. Gramzay, and a visitor to the zoo.
Domains of Social Justice:
1.) Self-Love and Acceptance: (Roy and Silo love one another and want to be like the other penguin families) Tango's family will allow students to look at their own family structures and that of their peers. Students will come to realize that just because the media may portray the perfect family as having a mom and dad, that isn't the case in real life. This will empower students to learn not only more about families like theirs but also of others.
2.) Respect for Others: (Roy and Silo's keeper, Mr. Gramzay, does not disapprove of Roy and Silo's relationship, but rather aids them in creating a family.) Some students may be in an environment that might not accept alternative family structures, especially that of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community. This book can open up a conversation about LGBT people that may have been otherwise avoided or condoned.
3.) Exploring Issues of Social-Justice: (Human families go to the zoo to welcome Tango to here new family.)
I think the story is told with tenderness and is thoughtful of the mind of a child. I don't think a small child would come away with anything more than two penquins who love their baby very much. The illustrations are nicely done, simple but fun. To anyone who wants to share of story of love and tolerance at an early age, this is a good book. Highly recommended.
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